Ruptured Achilles tendon

The Achilles tendon is a band of tissue that attaches your calf muscle to your heel bone, and aids in the pushing off during the gait cycle (e.g. when walking). Rupturing your Achilles tendon can be painful and disruptive to your lifestyle and worst of all can linger for years. The Achilles tendon can suffer […]

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Sprained ankle: Using ice

Most people who sprain their ankle know of the RICE protocol; Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate – and they apply it at the first sign of pain and swelling. This is a smart thing to do because ice if applied early on, does get rid of some of the pain and swelling. Care should be taken

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Frozen shoulder home program tips

Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is a painful condition that can take months or even years to resolve. Therefore, after you are discharged from physiotherapy, you will be given a home exercise program to follow. You should be careful to do the exercises as indicated, i.e. the number of repetitions, frequency etc. By doing so,

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To rest or rehabilitate

Following a bout of illness or injury, the natural inclination would be to rest. Pain, loss of energy, restricted movements will all play their part in making you want to stay between the covers, however, whether you rest or rehabilitate will depend on a lot of factors. And the final decision will lie with your

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Ask questions for better results

Sports injuries, breathing problems, long-term pain (e.g. arthritis) and other ailments are agonizing and frustrating. We all wish that there was some kind of “silver bullet” that could cure us in a flash. Unfortunately, there is rarely a quick fix when it comes to the human body and restoring full movement. However, thanks to trained

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Weight-related knee problems

A popular rule of thumb is that every kilo of weight loss is equivalent to four fewer kilos of pressure on a knee afflicted with joint osteoarthritis. For obese people, in particular, this can make a world of difference for common activities like walking. A combination of low-impact cardiovascular training (e.g. swimming, cycling), specific muscle

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Weight related back problems

Common sense and (increasingly) scientific studies tell us that overweight and obese people have the greatest risk of back problems and the worst recovery rate. A patient’s fear of movement and a lack of exercise are major factors that prevent genuine recovery. In effect, we have a vicious cycle of back issues and inactivity which

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Keep excess weight off to improve back and knee rehabilitation

There are many good reasons for you to maintain appropriate body weight, including: Easier health management Better control of risk factors (e.g. blood pressure, sugar levels, cholesterol) Improved quality of life (i.e. self-confidence, more agility) The popular Body Mass Index (BMI) is a good way to gauge your present condition. However, you should also monitor

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Thoracic injuries

Thoracic (chest) injuries occur most often among athletes who play contact sport such as rugby or football, but anyone can suffer from a thoracic injury as a result of exercise or some other type of trauma. Thoracic pain or evidence of thoracic injury should not be ignored as the thoracic or chest cavity contains important

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