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Weight related back problems

Common sense and (increasingly) scientific studies tell us that overweight and obese people have the greatest risk of back problems and the worst recovery rate. A patient’s fear of movement and a lack of exercise are major factors that prevent...

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Keep excess weight off to improve back and knee rehabilitation

There are many good reasons for you to maintain appropriate body weight, including: Easier health management Better control of risk factors (e.g. blood pressure, sugar levels, cholesterol) Improved quality of life (i.e. self-confidence, more agility) The popular Body Mass Index...

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Thoracic injuries

Thoracic (chest) injuries occur most often among athletes who play contact sport such as rugby or football, but anyone can suffer from a thoracic injury as a result of exercise or some other type of trauma. Thoracic pain or evidence...

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Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow

Golfer’s elbow is a condition that affects the flexor muscles of the wrist and causes pain and inflammation to their tendons that is mostly felt along the inside of the forearm and up towards the inside of the elbow. It...

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Sports hernia

Sports hernia, also known as an inguinal hernia or Gilmore's groin, is named after Jerry Gilmore who first recognised the condition in 1980 and developed a surgical repair technique for it. It is a medical condition that affects athletes, mainly...

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