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Sports drinks: The verdict

When you are exercising and attempting to improve your health and/or lose weight, it is important to keep your body hydrated. For many, that may mean turning to sports drinks for help in keeping their bodies balanced. There are good...

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Soft tissue injury

Soft tissue injury is an injury to any of the soft tissues of the body. Soft tissue injury may occur in the muscle as in a contusion or strain, in the tendons as in a strain or tendinopathy, in fascia...

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Returning to sport after a long break

You've been away from sports, perhaps due to injury, career or family. But now sport beckons again! Try these tips to return to where you left off without injuring yourself. Follow a beginner's schedule. Your brain remembers movements and form,...

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Reducing stress naturally

In this fast-paced world, it is easy to feel stressed over the demands that are placed on us. Many people suffer from depression and anxiety as a result of stress and resort to drugs - prescribed or otherwise - as...

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Proper form in weight training

You have been told that you need to do some weight-training to tone and sculpt your body and improve muscle mass, but no one told you that using improper form during training can be dangerous. Improper form can lead to...

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